Wednesday, July 31, 2019

English Language Varieties Essay

English has spread rapidly, even since independence, either as a first language or as a medium of education for non-native speakers (Platt and Weber, 2002). The actual range of varieties of English is much greater than is found in the British Isles. On the one hand we can speak of an acrolect or high status variety, and on the other a basilect or low status variety, with the mesolect occupying the intermediate position. These terms are usually descriptive of what is known as a post-creole continuum—that is the range of non-discrete varieties in a post-colonial situation ranging from the acrolect, which is generally very close to the standard language of the colonial power, through to the basilect, which structurally resembles a creole. It is sufficient here to characterise a creole as a mixed language, resulting historically from contact between speakers of different and mutually unintelligible languages. Creoles are usually associated with colonial situations and are generally assigned a very low social status. Basilectal speakers, who occupy the lowest position in a post-creole continuum, are often quite unintelligible to speakers of the acrolect. All speakers occupy a range on this acrolect—basilect continuum, which correlates closely with their social status, shifting along it according to social context in much the same way as British speakers manipulate linguistic variables. Of course, the extent of linguistic difference is much greater. Such continua have been described in Jamaica by De Camp (2001) and in Guyana by Bickerton (1995), and it is likely, we should note, that these studies will be of increasing relevance to an understanding of the sociolinguistic structure of ethnic minority communities in Britain. A detailed account of the structure and function of pidgins and creoles is not directly relevant here, but interested readers are referred to Todd (2000) for an introductory account of the social, political and linguistic issues involved. Although respectable Victorians were already reacting strongly against the prescriptive attitudes of the eighteenth century, the most extreme anti-prescriptive statements, as far as we know, are those made by some members of the ‘American structuralist’ school of linguistics. Bloomfield (1993:22) felt that discovering why ain’t is considered bad and am not good is not a fundamental question in linguistics, and he thought it strange that ‘people without linguistic training’ should devote ‘a great deal of effort to futile discussions of this topic’. Bloomfield was certainly implying that the study of prescriptivism was not of central interest to linguistics; he was thereby limiting the field of linguistics to a descriptive study of form and system in language which takes relatively little account of language as a social phenomenon. Some of Bloomfield’s followers have gone further than this and have attacked ‘unscientific’ approaches to language with missionary zeal. C. C. Fries (1997) seems to have equated traditional school grammar with prescription (which was by definition ‘bad’ and ‘unscientific’ in the view of structural linguists of the time), and in his book on English syntax he went so far as to even reject traditional linguistic terms such as ‘noun’, ‘verb’ and ‘adjective’. Fries’s work was directed towards the educational system at the ordinary consumer. Anxious to assure all his readers that their use of language was just as good as that of anyone else, he proclaimed that there is no such thing as good or bad, correct or incorrect, grammatical or ungrammatical, in language. English in Western Europe and America Although linguistic scholars would certainly dispute the details of this pronouncement, they have continued (for the most part) to assert or assume that their discipline is descriptive and theoretical and that they do not deal in prescription. In Western Europe and America most theoretical linguists would still affirm that all forms of language are in principle equal. As Hudson (2002:191) has put it: Linguists would claim that if they were simply shown the grammars of two different varieties, one with high and the other with low prestige, they could not tell which was which, any more than they could predict the skin colour of those who speak the two varieties. Although some evidence from work by social psychologists (Giles et al. , 2000) lends some support to Hudson’s point, we do not, in fact, know whether standard languages can be conclusively shown to have no purely linguistic characteristics that differentiate them from non-standard forms of language (the matter has not really been investigated). It appears to be an article of faith at the moment that judgments evaluating differences between standard and non-standard varieties are always socially conditioned and never purely linguistic. However, we shall later suggest that the process of language standardisation involves the suppression of optional variability in language and that, as a consequence, non-standard varieties can be observed to permit more variability than standard ones (e. g. in pronunciations of particular words). Thus, there may be one sense at least in which the linguistic characteristics of non-standard varieties differ from those of ‘standards’. Standard English: UK Variety In the UK, one vehement critic of the supposed malign influence of linguistics on English language teaching is John Honey (1997-2003). He has named an array of linguistic scholars (including—astonishingly—Noam Chomsky, who has never been concerned with educational or social issues), as encouraging a neglect of Standard English teaching in schools. This is an entirely false claim. It is true that there has been some opposition to the teaching of English grammar, but in our experience this has arisen mainly from the preference of lecturers for literature teaching. Far from discouraging ‘grammar’, university linguists have been closely involved in maintaining and encouraging its teaching. No one has ever opposed the teaching of standard English, and many of those named by Honey as ‘enemies’ of standard English have devoted much of their careers to teaching it—training students to write clear and correct standard English. Experienced teachers will not take kindly to an attack that simply appears to them as ignorant, presumptuous and pointlessly offensive. The linguist’s academic interest in the human capacity to learn and use language is not a threat to the teaching of Standard English, and it can be a great benefit. It does not follow from the educational necessity to focus on the standard that we should neglect to examine and explain the different norms and conventions of speech and writing, or that we should fail to acknowledge that standardised usage is most fully achieved in writing. Nor does it follow that we should neglect the fact that non-standard spoken vernaculars have grammars of their own. To investigate the structure of language varieties is an intellectual requirement that cannot be compromised, and which in no way contradicts the importance of the teaching of literacy in a standard language. Amongst other things, research on real language in use can help us to clarify and understand what standard English actually is and appreciate more exactly what its roles and functions are. We will not improve practical language teaching by ignoring such matters or by maligning those who study conversational speech and non-standard vernaculars as ‘enemies of standard English’. The authors of elementary books on linguistics, however, have usually been anxious to dissociate their account of the subject from that of traditional handbooks of correctness. As we have seen they usually dismiss prescription routinely, and assert that linguistics is descriptive. Their general point—that, if one is to study the nature of language objectively, one cannot make prior value-judgments—is frequently misunderstood, and it has sometimes called forth splenetic and misinformed denunciations of linguistics as a whole. One example amongst many is Simon (2002). In an essay entitled ‘The Corruption of English’ (2002), Simon blames structural linguistics and literary structuralists for an alleged decline in language use and for permissive attitudes to language: ‘What this is, masquerading under the euphemism â€Å"descriptive linguistics†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦is a benighted and despicable catering to mass ignorance under the supposed aegis of democracy. ’ His essay is outspoken and full of emotive language (‘pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo’, ‘rock-bottom illiteracy’, ‘barbarians’, ‘vandalism’, etc. ), and it betrays ignorance of what linguistics is about. To Simon, linguists are almost equated with some menace that is threatening Western (i. e. American) civilisation from outside. It is unfortunate that misunderstandings and misapplications of the American structural linguists’ teaching should have made it seem reasonable for anyone to write in this ignorant way. As many people still interpret descriptive linguistics as inimical to standards of usage, there has clearly been some failure of communication between linguistic scholars and the general public. One reason for this is that ‘mainstream’ linguistics has concentrated more on the abstract and formal properties of language than on language in its social context. Bloomfield (1993), as we saw above, considered that prescription was irrelevant to linguistics as a ‘science’. Yet some linguists have been directly interested in prescription. Haas (2002), for example, has pointed out that prescription ‘is an integral part of the life of language’. By refusing to be interested in prescription, he adds: ‘linguists only ensure that every enterprise of linguistic planning will be dominated by ignorant enthusiasts and incompetent pedants’ (Haas, 2002:3). Since Haas made these comments, some social and educational linguists have been very active in commenting on public attitudes and educational policies, and some have represented the subject on advisory committees. A general linguist, R. A. Hudson, is responsible for the Language Workbooks series, published by Routledge. Several relevant books on language variation have appeared, and linguistic correctness was the topic of the 1996 BBC Reith Lectures, delivered by Jean Aitchison (1998). In the USA much of the interest in language differences has been driven by public concern about the language of ethnic minorities. In 1997, the Linguistic Society of America published a document inspired by a controversy about ‘Ebonics’ (African American Vernacular English), which was recognised by the Oakland (California) School Board as a legitimate form of language. It ended with the following comments: There is evidence from Sweden, the US, and other countries that speakers of other varieties can be aided in their learning of the standard variety by pedagogical approaches which recognize the legitimacy of other varieties of a language. From this perspective, the Oakland School Board’s decision to recognize the vernacular of African American students in teaching them Standard English is linguistically and pedagogically sound.

Discrimination Worksheet Essay

†¢ What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination is unfair treatment to different categories of people based on many things including race, religion, culture, orientation, and so on. Prejudice is, in my terms, judging someone without actually knowing anything about them. Stereotyping is very similar to prejudice but it is widely known groups that people are placed in like jock or nerd. Discrimination is different because you are acting on the hatred you have for people instead of just thinking about it. For example, it is the difference between thinking about killing someone and actually doing it. Discrimination is probably the most hurtful because you are being open about it to someone instead of thinking it to yourself. †¢ What are the causes of discrimination? Many things can cause discrimination. The main thing, I would say, is it is a learned behavior. This means these people who discriminate were probably raised to feel this way towards a certain group of people. What you learn growing up can stay with you for the rest of your life. Here you are a defenseless child who knows nothing but are told to hate a certain group of people, you are going to listen because you were raised to. Then, when you’re older, you will automatically discriminate against this group because you were told to. There is discrimination against people of other races because they have a different skin color which makes them â€Å"different.† There is discrimination against gay people because we don’t understand why they â€Å"choose† to be that way. These are just a couple examples of what causes discrimination. †¢ How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same as discrimination faced by another? How are they different? I think discrimination is faced by all groups the same in one way, they are all getting treated unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, religion, etc. I don’t think there is a single person in life, even a white male, who has not experienced some form of discrimination in their lifetime. However, other than that one fact, I think everyone faces discrimination differently. People of different races deal with being called a lot of names. Also, people with different religions get made fun of for what they believe. Women receive a lot of negativity when they try to move up in a company because â€Å"the man† is supposed to. Gay men and women are frequently told they are going to Hell and God doesn’t approve. The funny this is, most gay people I know believe in God and go to church regularly! Discrimination is faced by many different groups in very different ways.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Policing in Kelsey Essay

In this paper, I will discuss the budget cuts on the City of Kelsey. The mayor has assigned me as a budget director to review and perform budget cuts on the City’s Police Department, due to a 15% budget cut on the City deficit. The state legislature wants to hire less Police Officers and build more prisons. The Police Department currently has an annual budget of $16,177,678. With the 15% budget cut, the mayor is requesting from the Police Department, that leaves a new annual budget of $14,236,356, a decrease of $1,941,322. The major change that will affect the fiscal cycle of this budget year is the decrease in the hiring of Police Officers. The City of Kelsey was in the process of hiring 10 new Police Officers to fill the 10 position that were vacant, due to six retiring Police Officers and four Police Officers finding other employment. Now with the 15% budget cut, the City will not be filling these opened positions, thus saving the City $1,200,000. New vehicle and maintenance cost will also decrease, due to not hiring the new officers. Last fiscal year the City Manager allotted $150,000 for 5 new vehicles and maintenance cost for the hiring of the new Police Officers. As a budget director, I went to the Police Union and request a 10% cut in wages or freeze the wages until the next fiscal year, thus saving $300,000. Also cutting 16 paid holidays a year will save the City $400,000. The Police Union Committee advised the Union has only agreed to a 1% pay cut within the next fiscal year, which will save the City $30,000. The Committee has also agreed to 10 paid holidays a year instead of 16. This will save the City an annual $150,000 a year. The Chief of Police has agreed to cut the training budget by 80%. The City will save an annual budget of $125,000. With these cuts alone, the City will save $1,655,000 alone. Another proposal will cut community programs and events within the next fiscal year. The annual â€Å"Shop with a Cop† or â€Å"Trunk or Treat† is in the annual budget for $10,000. Domestic violence programs can also be cut saving the City an  annual budget of $50,000 a year. Finally, the City will cut all overtime pay for the reminding of the fiscal year, saving the City an estimate of $500.000. With all the above-mentioned budget cuts, the City will project to see a 10% increase in crime. First, not filling the 10 Police Officers position will decrease the number of Police Officer per shifts, thus running the shift at staff minimal. Running the shift at staff minimal will decrease response time to service calls. The Mayor and City Council requested a 5 to 7 minute response time to every service call last fiscal year. With the decrease in personal, a new projective response time will be 10 to 12 minutes. The city has a collective bargaining contract with the Police Union. The Police Union has agreed to a 1% pay cut. Per the collective bargain contract, the City will repay the 1% back at the beginning of the next fiscal year, plus the cost of living increase (7%). I, as the Budget Director will have to go back to the Police Union next fiscal year and asked for an additional pay cuts. Per the collective bargaining contract, the Police Union does not have to cut pay or other benefits that the city provides. If the Police Union does not cut pay next fiscal year, the city will be forced to cut more position instead. Which means fewer Officers per shift, and longer response times to calls. Cutting the domestic violence program that helped victims and offenders will increase the number of incident of domestic violence more than 30% over the next six months. The program-helped victims relocate to a safer environment. The program also helped offenders with counseling. With the shifts at staff minimal, a plan of assigning Officers to areas will have to be established. The City is broken up into three sectors. Sector 1 is the business community and normally requires 40 Officers per shift. Sector 2 is residually areas that normally require 40 officers per shift. Lastly, sector 3 is rural area of the city, and this area requires 10 officers per shift. With the decrease in staff and overtime, area command staffs will assets the needs of each area and assign officers as needed. A federal grant was proposed for an additional $300,000 per year for the next three years is now in the works. The federal grant is for community police programs. The final approval for the grant will take up to 90 days. Inclusion, the 15% budget cut in this year’s fiscal year was successful. Hopeful the economy gets better and next fiscal year is a huge success. The City of Kelsey will continue to grow and  be a safe community to live. Reference Kelsey Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005-06 (2012, Jan). Retrieved from aapd/cist/vop/ Government/KelseyCity/citygovernment.asp

Monday, July 29, 2019

Design an org Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Design an org - Term Paper Example It will be a non-profit organization that seeks to popularize space sports because of the perceived benefits of the same. In that connection, it will have a vibrant marketing team to recruit followers and a finance department to track expenditure and other financial implications. Finally, there will be a technical team to advice on the realities of playing basketball in outer space. In outer space, there is little gravity (Asimov, 2006). As such, the rules that apply to basketball on earth cannot apply to Mars. For example, since there is no gravity on Mars, one of the rules will be that that basketball passes through the ring from below and not from above. There also needs to be a rule on the standard basketball court applicable in outer space (Labossià ¨re et al., n.d). Most likely, it should be an enclosed structure with a ceiling to decelerate and stop the ball when it goes up. There could also be more points for an opponent who rescues a team member stuck on the ceiling because they jumped too high. All conflicts arising from outer space basketball will be directed to this body. Inevitably, human interactions are known to be incubators of discord. Any emerging differences will be reconciled in a hearing presided over by the Federation. The Federation will also be tasked with the responsibility of generating a calendar of activities throughout the year. Various tournaments will be organized, planned and executed in the year. Strict adherence to the annual events will fully integrate the sport in the society and create its indispensability. It is very unfortunate that there is very little that happens in outer space in the form of entertainment. Entertainment is necessary to rejuvenate the spirit after a hard day. It could even be a disincentive for more scientists to explore the universe. The Federation will seek to add glamor to space visits. The goal of tourism is poised to be a long-term economic breakthrough for interested

Sunday, July 28, 2019

We Are Cool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

We Are Cool - Essay Example The narrator claims that the youth "lurk late," and illegal activity is normally carried out in the dark (Lindberg 311). In that culture, darkness influences people to become what they desire; the dark alters images, making an individual who seems risk-free in the daylight seem menacing during the dark. The boy states that they normally "strike straight," which can be deduced to imply that they are open to rape, robbery or murder properly so that they cannot be prosecuted for them (Smith 49). Robbery, rape and murder were issues that started to be considered as significant issues in the society, in the 50s (Cummings 29). They "sing sin" meaning that they have many their misdeeds one would think that the misdeeds are elements of some kind of right-of-passage into adulthood (Smith 50). Finally, the last activity provided in the people is that youths "thin gin," which implies to weaken alcohol in order for them to make more money, and they perhaps do this at the pool hall (Smith 50). The poem portrays the issues that youths in the 50s underwent, persuaded by the â€Å"pop† culture, when they left school. This was an age when youths started to have thoughts of building their lives using other means than education. Lindberg, Kathryne V. "Whose Canon? Gwendolyn Brooks: Founder at the Center of the Margins." Gendered Modernisms: American Women Poets and Their Readers. Ed. Margaret Dickie and Thomas Travisano. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1996.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Good Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Good Manager - Essay Example Lynn Tilton is among the intelligence leaders and manager taking into consideration her behavior and positive traits she portrays and articulates in her routine services within the private equity and an auto-part company she owns. One of the bases of her leadership and management qualities is that she is honesty. As a good manager and a leader, you are required to raise the company bar even higher than the anticipated level keeping in mind that your employees are among the top reflection entity personnel who requires honest and ethical behavior value for the purpose of their effective service delivery. We learn that Lynn considers herself as an established leader and a manager who strips and flips not for men but her company which she says she hold that company long and close to her heart. Becoming a good leader and a manager too requires the ability of delegation, which comes because of brand vision finessing and characterized through organized and efficient business environment in any prevailing business. Trust and believe in your team, as a manager is the only key to delegate ability since this makes a manager to determine the strengths and weakness prevailing in any company and in turn capitalize on them for the purpose of profit maximization.

Friday, July 26, 2019

GMC, How it Influences Political Policies to Benefit Itself, Ehy This Essay

GMC, How it Influences Political Policies to Benefit Itself, Ehy This is Wrong and How to Prevent it - Essay Example However, there are times in which individual persons or large corporations can use their power to influence political policies in order to benefit themselves, especially financially, at the expense of the public. Such people or corporations use coercion, incentives or their close relations to the government to influence the actions of others in the way they desire. An example of a large corporation that has influenced political policies for its own financial gain is GMC. GMC is an automobile company that manufactures vans, sport utility vehicles, military vehicles and trucks that are marketed in the Middle East and North America by General Motors. By 2007, the company was the second-largest vehicle-selling company in North America. One of the company’s policies on corporate political expenditures and contributions is that the company may express its views on particular public issues that are of importance to the company. As authorised by the vice president through the Public P olicy and Government Relations and permitted by the law1, company expenditures may be made to influence or inform voting on public policies that are of paramount importance to the business of the company, its stakeholders and employees (GMC 3). Acting on this policy, the company seems to have gone to the extremes in 2010 to direct political actions for its financial gain at the expense of the American tax payers. The Chevy Volt story was brought to public attention as one of the biggest scandals for the Obama Administration. In this saga, GM used its close relations to the Obama administration to secure a tax payer funded subsidy to leverage and promote the production and sale of its unready-for-prime-time Chevy Volt car brand, a poorly-performing electric car. The GM is a politically powerful UAW2. Modica (par 4) explains that the Obama administration perpetuated a manipulated bankruptcy process that openly favoured this politically powerful UAW financially over other classes. In t he midst of this bankruptcy process, GM’s Chevy Volt hype came to light as the public was presented with the so called green wonder-car that would benefit them. This explanation was then used to justify the use of $50,000 million worth of tax-payer’s money to bail out the company from its bankruptcy. The use of tax-payer money to subsidise the business activities of the company was therefore an added an insult to the injury of the company’s bankruptcy arrangement. Under this economy, many Americans cannot afford a new car and therefore, it would have been proper for the government to subsidise the production of goods that are of priority to the public. This shows that the government decision to commit in such a subsidy was a result of some form of undue influence from GM. According to Ponick (par 9-2), the White House intends to increase government subsidies for the rich buyers of the Chevy Volt and other green technology vehicles up to as much as $10,000 per bu yer, of course, through the use of tax payer’s money3. An evaluation of the situation reveals that to some extent, the company lied to the government and the public to win their support. Early claims about the car praised it as a pure electric vehicle that could secure the equivalent of 230 MPG. However, none of the two claims was true. At the same time, the Volt was also presented to the public as a vehicle that would be a saviour for the GM Company.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Identify the principal powers available to the courts in England & Essay

Identify the principal powers available to the courts in England & Wales in connection with statutory interpretation. How does t - Essay Example One system of employment tribunals that works for England, Wales, and Scotland also exists. In both England and Wales, the house of lords handles matters of highest appeals. In such cases, only the law lords are charged with the responsibility of proceeding over these cases. The Supreme Court judicature act 1873 however abolished this. This was done through the elections where the parliament passed the bill to have the Supreme Court in place. However, an amendment preserving the judicial function of the House of Lords was passed. The court was then used to handle impeachment cases in England, even though nowadays they are considered Magistrate court refers to the lower courts in which all criminal proceedings begin. Certain civil issues can also be decided in these courts, these include family matters (Probert, 2011). These courts have been meant in such a way that they can deliver justice in a swift and simple mean. In England and Wales, there are many magistrates’ courts; th e number is approximate to be over 360. The jurisdiction of these courts lays o the various powers that the legal system gives them. Offences especially those termed as summary offences are often considered small offences and are thus punishable under the powers of magistrates’ limited courts. ... Indictable offences may include rape, murder, and robbery among others. The cases here are heard by the judges at district judge in the magistrate or by three bench magistrate. The magistrate courts have no jury. The police undertake the investigation of these cases and then the prosecution is done accordingly. Defendant can chose to hire to solicitor to represent them in court. This is often catered by the state. Jurisdiction and sentencing powers of the courts In regards to issues related to criminology, the magistrate courts also used to be referred to as police courts both in England and Wales were put in place to deal with little offences at a speedy manner. Nearly all the criminal cases begin and stop at this point. Serious crimes are often taken to crown courts. It is approximated that 95% of many cases are handed at this point. Least serious criminal offences like driving cases, criminal damage of minimal damage, drug possession, vandalism, and criminal damages. All these are dealt with at summery proceedings in the magistrate court. In such cases, the defendants lack the right to jury trial and they have no formal indictment (Miller & Jentz, 2011). The verdict lies in the hands of the magistrates and judges at the courts. Sentencing powers in the magistrate courts have certain limitations. There are certain offences that have their limitations. For instance, they are capable of inflicting fines up to five thousand US dollars and can pass an imprisonment sentence. When the magnitudes of offences are big, the limitation is often raised. This means that such cases can attract high fines of up to over $ 50, 0000. There are certain cases like driving offences where the driver can be penalized by being disqualified from driving for some time. Such cases

Platos Apology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Platos Apology - Assignment Example Chaerephon, Socrates’ loyal friend went to the oracle and inquired the god Apollo if there was anyone wiser than Socrates; the Oracle’s answer was none. Socrates took this as a riddle and wanted to solve the paradox that an ignorant could be the wisest. And so this was his divine mission in light of the Oracle of Delphi’s pronouncement. The Socratic Method or the Elenchus is a Socratic technique of exposing false beliefs and eliciting the truth. It is a discussion or dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). It typically involves two speakers discussing a central issue by a series of questions, one leading the discussion and the other answering the questions or agreeing to certain assumptions laid before him for his acceptance or rejection. The best way to win in the discussion or debate is to make the opponent contradict himself in a way that proves the point of the inquirer. In the dialogue Euthyphro, this method is manifested in the main part of the dialogue which is the argument of the definition of piety. Here Socrates asks Euthyphro to put forth a definition of piety which Socrates rejected because it was not a definition but an example of piety. The second definition by Euthyphro was criticized by Socrates. The third definition by Euthyphro was an amendment from the second. Here Socrates made Euthyphro contradict himself without him realizing. Socrates often used the Elenchus in bringing out insufficiencies and contradictions of the opinion of others.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HR contributes at SYSCO Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

HR contributes at SYSCO - Case Study Example The same human resource initiative play a key role in improving work place safety, as well as save on the amounts of compensation that employees ask for. The market driven approach also has administrative roles in the preservation of entrepreneurial independence. This is concerning the issue of maintaining freedom in regional operation offices where practices can be â€Å"sold† to the offices. This can be done by convincing the managers and members of staff to adopt the said practices by evaluating the usefulness and suitability, as well as conflicts with standard operational standard in a region. Factors in human resource management influencing employee compensation include the use of survey data. This cuts back compensation claims by up to 30%. This is through interventions by human resource strategists to increase safety. In terms of employee turnover, it can be increased by applying programs and services based on data collected from managers and employees through surveys. This way output increases and cuts costs use in employee recruitment and training. In addition, the use of incentives and employee retention increased employee turnover, which in turn, translates to customer satisfaction. This works together with the experienced employees with better knowledge of operations and products of SYSCO thus improved employee

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Market - Essay Example The value of the Euro to the dollar has shown the success in gaining value over the US dollar. In January 2009 the exchange rate was 1Euro/USD 1.3866, in January 2010; the rate changed to 1Euro/USD 1.4389. This upward trend shows that the Euro is getting stronger in the forex market as compared to the US dollar. In 2012, the value of exchange dropped to 1Euro/USD 1.2458. Despite this drop, the value of the Euro is still higher than that of the US dollar. The Japanese Yen is the domestic currency used in Japan. The Yen has developed a relative stability and its recent reputation has led to investors opting to use this currency as a secure investment for the dollar. In 2001 the exchange rate was 1$/Yen 121.2, in the year 2005, the Japanese Yen gained against the US dollar in the forex market where the exchange was 1$/Yen110.2. The trend continued where the Yen continued gaining against the US dollar. Even though today’s exchange rate for the Yen to the dollar is still high at 1$/Yen79.8 the Yen has shown its success by increasing its value and minimizing the spread (Euromonitor International). The Canadian dollar is also gaining popularity among the investors across various parts of the world. As part of its success, its increasing use in the forex markets has shown that investors have recognized its stability. This currency has a remarkable use in transactions and enjoys over 4% of all transactions in the foreign exchange market daily. This is remarkable success in the forex market for this currency. For instance, the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar in 2001 was 1$/CAD1.5 while in 2005, the exchange rate changed to 1USD/CAD1.2; while in 2012, the exchange rate is 1USD/CAD1.0. This shows that the Canadian dollar gained strength against the US dollar to exchange thus it can be termed as a success to the Canadian dollar at the expense of the US dollar. The Swedish dollar is the Sweden’s currency. Its transactional use is above

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cultural Interviews and Assessment Essay Example for Free

Cultural Interviews and Assessment Essay I am interviewing a 32-year-old male (X) from the India who has been a resident of the San Jose in the US state of California since the last 10 years. He is employed as a Software engineer in one of the software MNCs in urban parts of California. Regarding, the Asian and Pacific Islander Americans (APIA) population in the US, they are one of the fastest growing population in the US. In the year 1999, the population was about 11 million and it is expected to grow to about 20 million by 2020. In 1999, 4 % of the US population was APIA, 12 % Hispanics and 11 % African-Americans. The APIA come from several parts of the world including India, China, Pakistan, Polynesia, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, etc. One of the favorite locations in the US, the APIA population would like to settle is in the state of California. The APIA make up for about 12 % of the California population in 1999. They come from various cultural backgrounds and have diverse needs. They are one of the most diverse groups in the US, and it is difficult to fulfill their health problems due to diverse healthcare needs. Let us now go through the entire interview process: Socio-economic factors – Mr. X earns about 45, 000 US dollars every month. He is employed in a software-MNC. None of his other family members are working. He is married and has one child. Although he came to the US in 1997, he brought his family down to the US about a year back. Mr. X feels happy that he is able to earn a good income in the US and is more or less settled. He feels that many of the Indians in the US are earning far less and are belonging to the poverty groups. However, he also feels that the organization he is working in is a small organization and the income provided is less compared to other organizations. Lifestyle – MR. X is not leading a very healthy lifestyle. Earlier as his family was not with him, he used to eat his food in eat-outs and restaurants. Due to this, he is unable to lead a healthy life. However, once his family has come home, he is able to eat a traditional Indian meal and due to this, his nutritional status has improved. He is now able to consume a balanced diet. Mr. X and his family members consume a vegetarian diet. Mr. X smokes about 5 cigarettes a day and consumes about 2 servings of alcohol (especially whisky and rum) on Saturdays and Sundays. He is able to sleep only for about 6 to 7 hours a day. This is due to excessive workload. Although his duty timings are only 8 hours, he puts in an extra 5 hours work at home. During the weekend, he has to work from home at least for 5 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. He usually gets together in family meeting and religious ceremonies on Saturdays and Sundays. Family Values – Mr. X has not had much of a family life in the US. This is because his wife and child were staying back in India, as they were unable to come to the US earlier. However, in the last one-year his wife and child have come down to California and are staying with him. His son is an 8-year-old kid, who has just joined a US Elementary school. The child goes to school for about 4 hours in a day, from Monday to Friday. Prior to this one-year, the only members of his family in the US were his cousins, uncles and aunts, who reside about 20 miles from his home. Mr. X feels that in India, family values are given a great amount of importance. Down in India, people stay in a common house with the family members. This is especially seen in villages and small towns. Family meetings are conducted every day and usually food is consumed and prayers are said in a family. During the earlier days when he had just come to the US, Mr. X had stayed with one of his maternal aunt in California. However, as his condition began to improve and his job was settled, he shifted to a separate residence. However, he continues to meet his family members during weekends. Mr. X also makes important decisions after taking the advice of the elders in the family. This is also the case in India, where elders are given a lot of respect and value. In case of any personal problem, he would first call up his uncle, a man of 67 years, and explain his problem to him. Religious preferences – Mr. X belong to a high caste Hindu family in India, and actively practice his religion. During the weekends, he attends for prayers in a temple in California. He usually makes a trip along with family members. He does follow intricate religious practices at home and at his workplace. He consumes a vegetarian diet and would take care especially whilst eating out. During the morning and before starting work, Mr. X chants a few short prayers. This he also does after he finishes work and before going to bed. His wife and child are also religious like him. He accompanies his family members during the weekends for a trip to their local temple. The local temple is about 25 miles away from their home. They also consume a vegetarian diet. In California, the number of vegetarian restaurants and eat-outs are less, due to which he has experienced problems. Health and practices – Mr. X enjoys a good state of health compared to the other APIA’s in the US. It is also important to note that the APIA’s enjoy a much better health status compared to the Whites, African-Americans and the Hispanics. In the year 1999, Mr. X suffered a bout of malaria. He suffered from the illness for about 15 days, and required admission in the Hospital. During his earlier days in the US, Mr. X did not have health insurance. Hence, he had to pay for his hospital bills. In the year 2000, the organization he was working with provided him with health insurance, which helps him to meet with his health expenditure. As Mr. X smokes excessively and due to his work-related habits, he suffers from asthmatic attacks frequently. He uses a small pump that provides Broncho-dilators. He has to consume two puffs twice a day as suggested by the physician. He also follows the advice on food and exercises suggested by the physician. Sometimes during winter months, Mr. X requires hospitalization for difficulty in breathing. This has occurred frequently in the last 4 years. His hospital bill is now covered by health insurance. The physician has repeatedly suggested to give up smoking and to follow better work-related practices, which Mr. X has ignored. The access to health is good, as Mr. X resides in an urban area. He has a hospital providing ultra-modern facilities located about 1 mile from his residence. The hospital also has physicians, specialists and nurses who are from an Indian background. This makes him a special patient at the hospital. He does feel that his physician is able to communicate with him appropriately and understand his health problem. As Mr. X has his family come in newly into the US, they do not have health insurance. However, he plans to subscribe to health insurance for them within the next six months. So far his wife and child did not require hospitalization. However, MR. X frequently takes his son for health checkups and immunizations to the pediatrician. His wife visits a female gynecologist frequently, to ensure that problems with her periods are addressed properly. She does prefer going to an Indian female gynecologist, but is unable to do so as there is a shortage of medical staff from other cultures in the US. Due to problems with financing (uninsured), she is unable to afford seeing an Indian gynecologist from another hospital. MR. X’s physician and pediatrician both belong to the Indian community. Child-bearing/parenting practices – Mr. X has just one son, and he plan to have one more child in the near future. However, he says that during the pregnancy period, he plans to send his wife and son back home to India, as he may be unable to take appropriate care of his wife. As family values are give great importance in India, Mr. X wishes that his son stays with him even after crossing the age of 16 or 18. He wants his soon to mix about with other children in the US, but at the same time follow Indian traditions regarding religion, diet and customs. Other issues – Mr. X and is family members do understand English and do not have any problem communicating with the people in the US. Mr. X may not consider preventive medical care. However, he does visit the local physician frequently to take medical advice and go in for routine checkups. Mr. X feels that more physicians, nurses and specialists from the Indian communities should be available to fulfill the need of the Indians in California. Mr. X also feels that the local government and the Federal government have not addressed several of the problems faced by the APIA communities in the US. This is with regards to health insurance, health access, education, working conditions, immigration status, etc. References: Ro, M. â€Å"Overview of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the United States and California. † Center for Alternative Policies. 1999. 9 Nov 2007. http://www. communityvoices. org/Uploads/om3gfk55hhzyvrn00n4nerbf_20020828090003. pdf Srinivasa, S. â€Å"Toward Improved Health: Disaggregating Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Data. † American Journal of Public Health 90. 11 (2000): 1731-1734. http://www. ajph. org/cgi/reprint/90/11/1731. pdf

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Importance Of Safety In The Workplace Construction Essay

The Importance Of Safety In The Workplace Construction Essay Safety, health and environment are important thing in our workplace. This is the top priority in every workplace. Something must need to be done to encourage employees, employer and industries to put safety, health and environment at the top of their agenda. The most important thing is our commitment in taking the action and our commitment to take suitable changes to ensure that safety, health and environment is forefront of everyones thinking. Thus, the objective of this topic is to know how engineers can contribute in the awareness of safety, health and environment. In addition, an engineer also must always keep abreast with development in order to be a successful engineer in all aspects. II.METHODOLOGY Methodology used in preparing the report (do the work) are do research on the selected titles, collecting the data, interpreting the data, and finding the suitable case of study as the example. III.DISCUSSION This part of report will discuss about the theory, concept and explanation on contributions of engineer in safety, health and environment. The ethics on safety We were also discussing the ways of an engineer can keep abreast with the development of technologies without confining any other discipline . i.Contribution in safety Safety is priority thing in workplace. We need to ensure that safety in workplace because to minimize the risk of accident occur [1]. Every employee has their own role to make sure that nothing happened when doing the task. When something occurs, the companies need to use a lot of money either in new design or pay the money to the victims. There are many ways how to contribute awareness in safety. One of them is engineer need to participate in design state [2]. With this way, engineer will know the problem in their design. Problem in the design will be found during the testing design. With this testing design, engineer can solve or upgrade their design. Other than that, enforcement snag should be carried out continuously. In order to prevent workers from repeating their false, they need to be penalized. If it involves serious case, they need to be charge in court. However, some people state that this is not proper way to encourage them to become a good worker. Serious enforcement and inspection has to be made especially for high rise projects. This is to ensure that all workers ensure that the equipment and structures at workplace would not pose a danger to the workers themselves and the public. Perhaps in the future, the authorities would have the right to penalize workers who defy safety and health guidelines at a wo rkplace. Another suggestion is the ministry could also publish the names of engineers, details of their projects and their track records in meeting safety guidelines. Training and education are also important to educate worker. With training and education not only reduce the accident also reduce the cost and save life. A study by Toole (2002) had found that if workers do not have proper training on safety, they may not be able to recognize potential hazards at a site. The workers also need to sit for a basic skills test written examination on safety. This exam carried out to determine the competency level of new workers on their knowledge and awareness. At Singapore, government of Singapore has introduced a skill test to construction workers in the country. Workers who passed the examination would be awarded with skill evaluation certificate. But Malaysian government still did not use this approach. Maybe in the next future, it can be used to increase the safety in Malaysias industry. The main problem with the safety issues is the attitude of the worker. They need to change their behavior in order to prevent accident occur to them. Some workers did not expose with the environment of workplace. So, they need to enter programs that teach them how to contribute awareness in safety. Last but not least, commitments of management also important in adopting safe work at workplace. Nothing happened if only the workers take part in awareness of safety. Management need to prepare a safety workplace like prepare a fire hole in building and also put a poster about safety in building. ii. Contribution in Health There are many ways to contribute awareness in health. Actually, we can take ways from awareness in safety as contribution awareness in health. One of the ways to contribute awareness in health is a change in designer mindset. Some designers always think their design without thinking others prospects. They just think their design can publish or not. This is bad attitude because they not think about the others. Other than that, motivate the designer also one of important way of contribution of awareness in health. Many designers need incentives beyond the benefits to worker safety and health, in order to wholeheartedly embrace the practice. Other potential sources of motivation and incentive include the design contract, market forces, knowledge of potential cost savings, professional codes of ethics, building codes, standard design practice, and legislative actions such as regulations that clearly recognize a safety role for designers. Designers also need have high knowledge. The lack of safety and health knowledge among designers should be addressed by providing training on safety health-related topics during the designers formal education and continuing professional development. Alternative designs that enhance safety and health must be collected and made available for reference. Also, designers need practical guidelines for addressing safety amid the complex array of design processes and regulations they encounter in their work. Constructor involvement also plays the important role in contribution awareness in health and safety. Constructors and construction workers can help designers recognize potential construction safety hazards and identify a facilitys permanent design features that could be modified to minimize such hazards. iii.Contribution to Environment Nowadays, environmental protection has becomes significant issues. In order to increase the awareness in this problem, Environmental Ethics have been introduced in purpose to develop roots of environmental movement and to understand the responsibility to the environment [1]. Engineers lead in the creation of solutions for the problems caused by current technologies. Thus, engineers play important roles in protecting environment. Environments protection is needed in order to protect the integrity of biosphere, to control dangerous and unnatural substances and lastly to provides a healthy environment for human beings [1]. One of the important contributions of engineer to environmental issue is working to find solutions to the problems caused by the modern technology. The skills and knowledge of an engineer is needed to help to protect the environment and this duty is one of the engineering codes of ethics. The concern about the environment has grown thus when developing a new technology, engineers should ensure designed product does not affect the environment. The product that has been produced must have the least effect to the environment. For examples, many of the products nowadays are recyclable and can be reused thus this can save the source of our nature. To make sure the environment is protected and be taking care with the development of technologies, environmental code of ethics should be practice by all engineers. Professional codes of ethics already told us the safety of people and environment to be of paramount importance. This statement clearly states that engineer do have responsibility to ensure their work done in the most environmentally safe manner [1]. In reality, there might be complexity on these issues such as conflict between employers desires and the employee. When an employer suggest on project that ethically wrong and gave a big impact on environment, an engineer have the right to express his opinion on moral issues regarding environment. In this case, both professional and personal ethics can be used as the guidelines in making a decision. Basically, an engineer needs to make a decision in the area which he competent. Thus, for many environmental issues, engineers should seek for counsel who have better knowledge in environments policy in order to help analyze and to understand the possible consequences of a project done to the environment. Engineers also can corporate with biologists or public health experts when developing a new project in order to ensure the project conducted in the most environmental manner. Sustainable Design is widely been practiced in most development countries in this world. It is also known as Green Engineering in some countries. Sustainable Development is the challenge of meeting human needed in many areas likely in natural resources, industrial products, energy, food, transportation and effective waste management [4]. This concept also conserved and protected environmental quality and the natural resource base essential for future development [4]. This is to ensure that engineer products design does not harm the environment. By using this Green Engineering Principles, an engineer can help to maintain the integrity of the environment and most importantly to make sure that quality of human life can be sustained. iv. Way to keep abreast with the development of technology In this technological era, an engineer must go ahead and keep abreast with the new development. One way to keep abreast with the development of technology is to attend the professional conference or seminar. Usually in the conference all engineer from various field are pleasantly presenting their new research and projects. Globalization is trending in world right now. It is a term that describes the global actions toward economy, politic, technology and society needed which makes national boundaries is less important. Globalization is changing the way of our lives either on a personal basis or social relationship. Engineers should take advantages on globalization as it is a world without boundaries. The effects of globalization includes such as the emergence of worldwide production markets, expanded level of trades and the development of global telecommunications system which allow engineers to work in any places in the world while keep in contact in the other part of the world. The rapidly changing skill requirements and knowledge in the engineering profession are important challenges to engineer. Thus, lifelong learning is a way for individual engineers to keep abreast with the new fundamentals. Merely take notes on the new development and takes training on the latest technology are good ways to keep in the right track of the current developments. It is noticeable that an engineer should make decision only in the area which he is competent. Thus, in developing new project, all engineers in various area should cooperates and work together to ensure the project done have good impacts to society. Cooperation of all engineers can keep them abreast with the current technologies that been produced and make them aware of the new products that will be produced. v. Case Study on Clean Water: The Professional Engineers Contribution to Health In 1848, after a second outbreak of cholera again due to polluted drinking water in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, a water supply system was suggested to overcome the growing health problem[5]. Five years later, John Fredrick Bateman, a civil engineer, concluded his study to find the best potential source for Glasgow, recommending the high-quality water of Loch Katrine. The resulting supply system took three and half years to complete and involved the construction of a dam on the loch, 42km of aqueduct, a similar length of trunk mains, 74km of distribution pipes and the Mugdock storage reservoir at Milngavie. Over 140 years later, changes to European and UK water quality standards, particularly in respect of disinfectant by-products and micro-organisms such as Cryptosporidia, formed the main driver behind the new water treatment plant. In 2003, the main contractor, MJ Gleeson was appointed to manage the design and construction of the new Loch Katrine Water Works. The design of the new treatment works involved over 100 technical staffs from 25 different disciplines. Disciplines involved included are civil engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental consultants, cost consultants etc. In addition, due to the Katrine is a famous tourism spot, environmental factors were considered for the construction. In order to minimize the visual and landscape impacts of the project, the plant is partially sunk into ground while open exposed areas have been given a natural stone finish and service reservoir has a green roof [5]. The sludge system was moved into the sewer system on the other side of the site, which prevented developing a separate on-site sludge treatment plant. To summarize, the original works was for transporting water form Loch Katrine to Glasgow with very little in the way of treatment. The fundamental function of the new works is treatment. Both are excellent examples of outstanding professional engineering. IV.CONCLUSION As the conclusion, engineers have the responsibility to concern on health, safety and environment issues for their design and workplace. In order to overcome new threat, they also need to keep updated with new technology such that they can contribute more in improving the life of mankind. V.REFERENCES [1] Charles B. Fleddermann, Engineering Ethics, E Source Prentice Hall 3rd Edition. [2] Engr. Mohd Khairolden Ghani, Grad. IEM, Engr. Dr. Zuhairi Abd. Hamid, MIEM, PEng, Engr. Maria Zura Mohd Zain, Grad.IEM, Engr. Ahmad Hazim Abdul Rahim, Grad. IEM, Engr. Kamarul Anuar Mohamad Kamar, Grad. IEM, Muhammed Asraff Abdul Rahman Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM) CIDB Malaysia, Safety Malaysian Construction: The Challengenges and Initiatives [3] John Gambatese, Jimmie Hinze, Michael Behm ,Oregon State University, University of Florida, East Carolina University(May 2005), Investigation of the Viability of Designing for Safety [4] National Society of Professional Engineers, United States [5] Katrine Water Treatment Project, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Retrieved Oct 4, 2010, from

Functional Role of Neurogenesis in Humans

Functional Role of Neurogenesis in Humans Self-renewing stem-like cells in the adult hippocampus have captured the imagination of neuroscientists and clinicians for decades. Unfortunately, there have been relatively few studies investigating the functional role of AHN in humans. Throughout this thesis, I have described a number of studies in which we undertook the challenge of identifying indirect correlates of AHN in humans as well as elucidating the functional role of adult-born granule cells in everyday memory. We accomplished this by assessing various lifestyle- and blood-based factors known to influence neurogenesis from the animal literature and comparing these factors to behavioural performance on tasks which tested the proposed roles for AHN in learning and memory. There has been much speculation regading the functional role of neurogenesis in humans. Computational modellers and theorists have proposed several distinct roles for AHN in cognition based on what is known of their location in the brain, functional connectivity with surrounding regions and physiological poperties. Some have proposed that the constant turnover of newborn cells in the hippocampus would allow memory storage for novel events, while avoiding interference with older memories, a computational process termed pattern separation (Becker et al., 2005; Chambers and Conroy, 2007; Appleby and Wiskott, 2009; Becker et al., 2009; Weisz and Argibay, 2009; Aimone and Gage, 2011). However, events occurring close together in time may be subject to enhanced interference because the same population of cells would be firing in response to each event encountered. This process of increasing interference between events occurring close together in time is referred to as pattern integration (A imone et al., 2006). Indeed, some studies have shown paradoxical improvements in working memory tasks following ablation of neurogenesis (Saxe et al., 2007). However, working memory circuits outside of the hippocampus may be responsible for such improvements. Across short timescales, the majority of behavioural evidence from rodents has actually demonstrated that the role for neurogenesis in cognition, although seemingly widespread, converges on one function in particular. The formation of context-shock associations is impaired in animals lacking neurogenesis (Saxe et al., 2006; Winocur et al., 2006; Imayoshi et al., 2008; Warner-Schmidt et al., 2008; Wojtowicz et al., 2008; Hernandez-Rabaza et al., 2009; Ko et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2011; Nakashiba et al., 2012; Pan et al., 2012b), especially when the shock is relatively weak or training paradigm relatively short (Drew et al., 2010; Pan et al., 2012a, 2013). Animals lacking neurogenesis are also impaired at discriminating between o verlapping odor pairs (Luu et al., 2012) or between nearby, but not far apart spatial locations (Clelland et al., 2009). In contrast, upregualting neurogenesis via aerobic exercise or genetic manipulation has been shown to increase AHN and leads to enhanced behavioural pattern separation or CFC performance (Creer et al., 2010; Sahay et al., 2011; Kohman et al., 2012). While it seems like a wide-variety of tasks require adult-born granule cells, many, if not all of these tasks require overcoming interference. All of these tasks require the animal to form separate representations of similar stimuli, regardless of whether the stimuli are different contexts, objects, spatial locations or odours. This is why I say that AHN is required for a wide-variety, yet specific set of memory tasks. The behavioural requirements of tasks shown to depend on neurogenesis have differed substantially, but the psychological construct shown to rely on AHN has been fairly consistent. Neurogenesis may further help separate similar events occurring over longer time periods (Becker, 2005; Aimone et al., 2006; Becker and Wojtowicz, 2007). A distinct pool of newborn neurons would help to add a degree of contextual novelty to similar events that are separated by a sufficient amount of time. Without new cells being added to the hippocampal network, the same populations of cells would end up reperesenting multiple different memories, leading to catastrophic interference (Wiskott et al., 2006). This account of the role for neurogenesis in learning and memory has generally been reffered to as the memory retention hypothesis throughout this thesis. In contrast, others have proposed that the addition of newborn cells to the hippocampus would result in existing connections being altered in such a way that information is lost (Feng et al., 2001; Deisseroth et al., 2004; Frankland et al., 2013). This account of the role for neurogenesis in learning and memory has generally been referred to as the memory clearance hypothesis throughout this thesis. Behavioural evidence from non-human animal studies has supported the memory retention hypothesis, especially for spatial or context-rich memories. For instance, rodents with ablated neurogenesis display marked deficits in remembering the platform locaton following MWM training across long, but not short timescales (Snyder et al., 2005; Deng et al., 2009; Jessberger et al., 2009; Kitamura et al., 2009; Inokuchi, 2011; Pan et al., 2012a, 2012b, 2013). In contrast, some studies have shown impaired long-term retention of fear memories in younger mice with relatively high rates of neurogenesis compared to their older counterparts (Akers et al., 2012). When older mice had wheel-running- or antidepressant drug-induced enhancement of neurogenesis, they were impaired on tests of remote memory compared to control mice (Akers et al., 2014). Therefore, it would seem that behavioural evidence from rodents has also supported the memory clearance hypothesis. The persistence or clearance of memories as a result of ongoing neural turnover in the DG may depend on the type of memory. There is evidence to suggest that spatial memories are always dependent on the hippocampus (Snyder et al., 2005; Deng et al., 2009; Jessberger et al., 2009). For these memories that are permanently hippocampal-dependent, AHN may help keep overlapping events disctinct from one another, thereby promoting long-term retention of the original memory. On the other hand, fear memories may be supported by regions outside of the hippocampus (Kitamura et al., 2009). Thus, for those memories that can be supported by extrahippocampal structures, AHN may accelerate the process of systems consolidation (Kitamura et al., 2009), shifting the dependence of the memory from the hippocampus to neocortical regions (McClelland et al., 1995; Squire and Alvarez, 1995; Maviel et al., 2004; Squire and Bayley, 2007). While animal studies have provided val uable clues as to the importance of AHN in learning and memory, it has nonetheless become apparent that studying the functional role of neurogenesis directly in humans is the critical next step that must be taken in order to alleviate some of the confusion generated in non-human animal studies. In the set of studies that comprise this thesis, we have demonstrated that change in aerobic capacity following chronic physical activity correlates with change in performance on a putatively neurogenesis-dependent visual pattern separation task. On the other hand, stress and depression scores had opposing effects on behavioural pattern separation performance. Importantly, neither exercise response nor depression scores predicted performance on other trial types within the BPS-O, repeated or novel items, nor the visuo-spatial CANTAB ® PAL task. We have also shown that lower stress and depression scores are associated with improved visual object recognition on repeated items following a two-week delay from the study phase. Further, on two-week delayed retention tests, participants scored near chance at identifying lures as â€Å"similar†, regardless of stress and depression levels. Interestingly, they more often misclassified these items as â€Å"new†, as opposed to â €Å"old†. Our results provide indirect evidence from human participants that AHN is important for pattern separation across shorter delays, while contributing to the persistence of memories for repeated items across extended time intervals. Future studies could explicitly test the memory clearance hypothesis in humans by measuring recognition memory across longer timescales with a pro-neurogenic intervention, such as long-term exercise, in between study and test. Pattern separation and memory retention (or clearance) may be coexisting phenomena. The addition of immature neurons to the hippocampus may at first bias the network towards pattern separation, as opposed to pattern completion, thereby reducing interference between events (Yassa and Reagh, 2013). In turn, the amount of pattern separation may decide what information will be subject to reconsolidation and what information will be cleared (Yassa and Reagh, 2013). Reconsolidation is the process whereby an existing memory becomes susceptible to change. If an event is considered similar, but not the same as, a previously stored event then the original memory may be modified to accommodate the discrepent information. Thus, the constant addition of adult-born neurons to the hippocampus may serve as a means of adding contextual information to existing memories. However, the original memory may be altered so drastically during reconsolidation that it is no longer accessible (essentially cleare d), depending on the amount of interference between the original memory and the novel event. Indeed, a number of computational models predict that the addition of newborn neurons to an existing circuit would hinder retrieval of previously stored memories (Deisseroth et al., 2004; Weisz and Argibay, 2009, 2012). On the other hand, if two events are considered one in the same, then information may be strengthened, although more generalized in nature. As these adult-born neurons that once contributed to pattern integration or pattern separation continue to mature and establish new synaptic connections with the pre-existing circuitry, they may destabilize previously established memories in the hippocampus, leading to the loss of previously stored information (Josselyn and Frankland, 2012; Frankland et al., 2013; Yassa and Reagh, 2013). In turn, the clearance of older memories would make room for new ones and the newborn neurons would become part of the physical storage site for new memo ries (Josselyn and Frankland, 2012). Thus, both processes may be beneficial in their own way. Whether or not memory clearance is a benefit or detriment to memory performance really depends on the relative importance of information is being cleared. Correlates of Neurogenesis in Humans and Animals Neurogenesis is down-regulated in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, so being able to characterize AHN in vivo is critical for better disease prevention and/or treatment. Unfortunately, there is no way to non-invasively quantify newborn cells in the living human hippocampus. Therefore, it has been difficult to improve our understanding of how neurogenesis influences the onset or recovery from certain disorders associated with downregulated neurogenesis, such as depression. In addition, we cannot assess the specific contribution of newborn neurons to learning and memory.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Financial Markets and the Risks They Run :: Financial Markets Institutions Finances Essays

Financial Markets and the Risks They Run Outline the differences between a broker and a dealer (or marketmaker) in financial markets, including discussions of how they are remunerated and what risks they run. A financial market consists of diverse financial assets traded between buyers and sellers. In addition to enabling exchange of previously issued financial assets, financial markets make possible the borrowing and lending by facilitating the sale by newly issued financial assets. Examples of financial markets include the New York Stock Exchange (which is involved in the resale of previously issued stock shares), the U.S. government bond market (which is involved in the resale of previously issued bonds), and the U.S. Treasury bills auction (sales of newly issued T-bills). A financial institution is an organization whose primary source of profits is through financial asset transactions. Examples of such financial institutions include discount brokers, banks, insurance companies, and complex multi-function financial institutions such as Merrill Lynch. Financial institutions participate in financial markets by creating and/or exchange of financial assets. In the financial market there are four institutions that carry out in this type of trade. One of which is a broker which is a commissioned agent of a buyer/seller who facilitates trade by locating a seller/buyer to complete the desired transaction. A broker does not take a position in the assets he or she trades; there is no maintaining of inventories in these assets on behalf of the broker. The commissions they charge to the users of their services determine the profits of brokers. Examples of brokers include real estate brokers and stockbrokers. Dealers, like brokers, facilitate trade by matching buyers with sellers of assets; they do not engage in asset transformation. Unlike brokers, however, a dealer can and does "take positions" (i.e., maintain inventories) in the assets he or she trades that permit the dealer to sell out of inventory rather than always having to locate sellers to match every offer to buy. Also, unlike brokers, dealers do not receive sales commissions.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Effects Of Youth Crime :: essays research papers

Effects of Youth Crime   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A kid walks down the crowded hallway at school. He is late to his class so he is going as fast as he can. In his hurry, he accidentally bumps into another kid. The other kid backs off and starts yelling at the first one. He asks why he bumped into him, and was he trying to start something? The first kid hastily apologizes as he turns and starts to race down the hall toward his third period class. The second kid takes this the wrong way and pulls out a handgun, the crowd around him quickly disperses as they see the gun. He aims his gun at the first kid and says take this you punk! He quickly pulls the trigger several times, the bullets tearing through the first's body. He falls to the ground, dead. Things like this happen every day. Kids hurting other kids, it's not something that should be happening. Because of things like this, there are many rules and regulations at schools and other places that there wasn't before. Youth violence happens every day and it is tearing society apart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A lot of crimes now days are committed by kids, people under the age of 21. They do all sorts of crime, they murder one another, they steal things, they paint graffiti on the wall. Crime is worse than it ever has been. It used to be the mob that people were scared of, now it's the gangs. If you cross a member of a gang, you can bet that his friends will get you back for him. Gang wars are especially dangerous, it starts with just two people, one from one gang and one from another gang. One of them does something to the other, like stab him, and then the victim's friends will get the attacker. It continues to escalate until it is all out war. Stopping gang wars is just one small step to stopping youth violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gangs are not the only youth's who commit crime. There are tons of kids who steal from stores, do and sell drugs, vandalize buildings and a lot of other things as well. These kids are just as large of a problem as the gang members are. Some kids think that stealing a candy bar here, a pair of jeans there, is totally harmless. They think that they aren't stealing that much, so it doesn't really matter. Or some kids think that they are beautifying the city by painting on the sides of buildings. Both are wrong, what they are doing is a

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Somalia vs United States Essay -- Compare Contrast Comparison

Somalia vs United States Somalia, which is about the size of Texas, is a small country located in Eastern Africa next to the Indian Ocean. The United States, which is located on the Western Hemisphere, is bordered by Mexico and Canada and is between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Separated not only by the Atlantic Ocean, Somalia and the United States are also separated by the differences in economies and populations. These two countries that are quite opposite in size have some similarities in their governments and education systems. Somalia is one of the world’s poorest and least developed countries (Campbell). Because of the Civil War, which broke out in 1991, much of Somalia’s economy has been devastated. The war left many homeless and drove them to raise livestock as a means of survival. The economy used to be based on exports of cattle, goats, and bananas but as of early 1992 much of the economic trade had come to a halt. Now the economy is primarily based on the raising of livestock, which accounts for 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Alhaus). Due to overgrazing, soil erosion, and the clearing away of many trees, Somalia has very few natural resources, which have not been exploited. Known deposits include petroleum, copper, magnesium, gypsum, and iron (â€Å"Somalian Economy"). Before the war, Somalia had a well-functioning democratic republic government. Under the 1979 Constitution, the president held executive power. The president was the head and leader of the country’s sole legal political party, The Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party. Elected to serve a 7-year term, the president was nominated by the party’s central committee. Ever since the civil war in 1991, when the government collapsed, Somalia has been in a state of civil war and anarchy (â€Å"Somalian Government†). Somalia is one of the countries in the world with the least diversity among the people. 98.8% of the population is made up of ethnic Somalis (Kraus). Other minority groups include Arabs, Indians, Italians, and Pakistanis. Most Somalis are nomadic or semi nomadic herders of livestock. The rest are either crop farmers or inhabitants of the few urban centers. The official languages of the country are Somali and Arabic and the state religion is Islam (â€Å"Somalian People†). Primary education for children of at least six years was mandatory for Somalians. Many ... ...CD-ROM. Rediman: Microsoft, 1999. 7. â€Å"Somalian Economy.† 1 March 1999. Country Profiles. 8 Sep. 2001>. 8. â€Å"Somalian Government.† 1 March 1999. Country Profiles. 8 Sep. 2001>. 9. â€Å"Somalian People.† 1 March 1999. Country Profiles. 8 Sep. 2001>. 10. â€Å"United States.† The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6th Edition. Columbia University Press, 2001. 8 Sep. 2001 13247.html. 11. â€Å"United States of America.† Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations, 2nd ed. U*X*L, 1999. Reproduced in Student Resources Center. Farmington hills, Mich.: Gale Group. December 2000 . 12. â€Å"United States Economy.† The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6th Edition. Columbia University Press, 2001. 8 Sep. 2001 articlesnews/13247Economy.html. 13. â€Å"United States People.† The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6th Edition. Columbia University Press, 2001. 8 Sep. 2001 13247People.html. 14. Vick, Karl. â€Å"Building a government form scratch. After 10 chaotic years, Somalia has a president.† Washington Post 24 Nov. 2000: A45.

Telecommunications Law

Telecom Law and Regulation Professor: David Olson September 14, 2012 Week 2 Case Study What is the natural monopoly ? Natural Monopoly is a monopoly that exists because the cost of producing the product (i. e. , a good or a service) is lower due to economies of scale if there is just a single producer than if there are several competing producers. (http://www. linfo. org/natural_monopoly. html) Today, telecommunications technology affects lives to a greater degree than ever before.Communication has evolved over many years from the earliest attempts at verbal communication to the use of sophisticated technology to enhance the ability to communicate effectively with others. A natural monopoly is said to exist in an market where the costs of production are such that it is less expensive for demand to be bet by one firm than it would be for that same demand to be met by more than one firm (Benjamin et al. , 2005).Every time a telephone call is made, a television is watched, or a personal computer is used, benefits of telecommunication technologies are being received. The American television industry is presently undergoing rapid change. Where once there was a limit on viewing options imposed by scarcity of electro-magnetic spectrum, confining most views to handful of channels that were dominated by three COM distribution systems, cable television is emerging now as â€Å" the television of abundance,† (Sloan Commission, New York 1981).A natural monopoly is said to exist in any market where the costs of production are such that it is less expensive for demand to be met by one firm than it would be for that same demand to be met by more than one firm (Benjamin et al. , 2005). Examples of natural monopolies are railway systems and telephones systems. All the phones should be connected and network together to attain the highest benefit. The monopoly is called natural because many competitors in these markets tend to die out leaving just one or a few providers fo r any given geographic area.But, the essence of the concept of a natural monopoly is there, that these are markets that end to have one or few providers. I believe that the government should treat telephones, cable and/or broadcasting companies has a natural monopoly. The technology industry has been a major problem in areas of the United States. Before wireless transmission really ever became a reality, cable was the ruler. After reading and viewing information about this topic customers live in around of the U. S.A that have limited cable service providers in their area and there is only one Cable Company to choose from which proves a natural monopoly. It has been verified time and time again about the lack of competition, the patrons are the ones who pay more for cable services. More over, the absences of superiority programming that the providers were not motivated to provide better service to consumers. The Commission is not the only regulatory authority showing interest in cab le television over the years. Local government has also been quite active in the regulation of local cable providers.Indeed, local governments for a long time insisted that cable providers apply to them for permission to be a local â€Å"cable franchisee† and local governments would often extract costly concessions from cable providers in exchange for granting those franchise rights (Benjamin et al. , 2005) The notion of having competition may end up costing more doesn't prove to be true in most cases, in general having the opportunity to choose the best providers with what is needed on service is far better than having dismal programming and choices.It is in the preferences and providers having all the choices for the consumers that are of benefit and one that is a win-win. Competition does not necessarily prove the notion that it costs more for hardware and software, that these are designed to be able to provide maximum number of customers. The concept of telecommunications may be defined as the transmission of information from one location to another by electronic means. Telecommunications is using electronic systems to communicate. Life is constantly changing and has been shifting faster since the rapid advancements in telecommunication.For the reason that ongoing attempts to find improved and supplementary efficient ways to communicate, the process of communication has gradually enhanced and I believe it will continue to do so. References: The Linux Information Project (2005). Natural Monopoly Definition. Retrieved 9/11/2012 from http:// (http://www. linfo. org/natural_monopoly. html) Benjamin, Douglas Gary Lichtman, Howard Shelanski, and Philip J. Weiser, (2006). Telecommunications Law and Policy Sloan Commission, (1981). On the Cable: The Television of Abundance

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Philippine Taxation System Essay

I. IntroductionOn ears virulent the word evaluateation income r compensateue, what usu each(prenominal)y springs to mind argon images of prows, line of descentes and projects beneficial to the general welf be of the passel, or to a greater extent negatively, the idea of corruption and loath whatever tricks especi totallyy straightadays when numerous retail interposes ar colouring the appraise remains of the solid ground. With these, today, its vastness seems to be oerlooked and is viewed to a greater extent negatively as a burden to the mess. Currently, the individual income value score in the Filipinos stands at 32 percent, which is third highest in the wide- undercut Association of S extincth East Asian Nation (ASEAN) region, undermentioned to Thailand and Vietnam. A snatch of the countrys jurisprudence namers already rush their hands on this yield and encou exasperations the presidential term to distinguish bring throughs in show ageering it de f beat. This matter has shed out especially signifi contri justet now that the Asean integration free-for-all securities industry in 2015 is nearing. It is important to understand revenue enhancement enhancementation and to fancy how well it fits the de gory of a country for it is a key factor on its growth.The task revenueation schema has been a hot frugal issue and has been causing rage and fury among the peck. Clearly, it is a national issue that needs immediate attention and action as it rivals the whole of the nation. It invest up stakes be an agonizing thought if what is known to be the emotional stateblood of the governing go come on(p) be the touchable one af mediocre that sucks life proscribed of its spate. Whats supposed to be apply to finance the basic service oft(prenominal)(prenominal) as education and health oversee as well as infrastructurewhich argon all vital to the parsimonys growth and the improvement of the lives of the people coul d be the very same thing that seem to sterilise the capability of the people to improve their own lives and unforgivingly take away the food in the Filipinos tables. Or is it not?Objectives of the StudyThe take away is aimed to desexualize the following1. The mo moolahary adequacy2. administrative feasibility3. Equity4. And the consistency and compatibility of the Philippine imposeation musical arrangement with the Nations Economic Direction.Signifi plunderce of the StudyThe demand is intended to step-up the aw beness of the readers on the Philippine revenue enhancementation brass. It is specifically turn to to impose give birthers, students and educators.Scope and Limitation of the studyThe study involves 7 participants who relent levyes for at to the lowest degree 3 grades. The participants are selected to represent contrary social and industry classes.II. Review of associate LiteratureNature and Purpose of revenue enhancement receipts may be specify as the intrinsic right of the enunciate to levy and collect a mass of each soulfulness and entitys income from successful endeavors within the states political boundaries.Since taxation is inherent right of the state, meaning, absolute right, taxation laws were act outed to limit this right. That is the reason why taxation is graduated, and in most countries, it is progressive. Graduated, meaning, that taxes to be paid are divided into several holds of income and progressive, meaning, that the high the income, the high depart be the tax measure to be paid, and vice-versa. revenue enhancement is very important for the presidency activity to exist. Without it, no governing body end ever exist, as taxes are the lifeblood of the political relation.Citizens make up taxes in the expectation that the presidency allow for value them with the necessary environment to change them to live in impregnablety and actualize them with the necessary environment to enable them to liv e in safety and perform their generative activities without fear or hesitation.The Bureau of cozy Revenue is the tax-collecting fort of the government for individual and corpo estimate income taxes. The Bureau of Customs is the government-collecting arm for import taxation. (Cuevas et al., 2012)Procedure of revenue appraiseation is legislative in character. As much(prenominal), all tax taprooms emanate from the Congress. The Ho work of Representatives enact taxation bills. Then it goes to the Senate. Then to the sound out conference committee and finally, to the Malacaang Palace for the presidents approval or in few instances, veto.Once the tax measure is approved and published in the authoritative gazette, it becomes a law. It is wherefore forwarded to the tax accretion influence concerned for implementation. Normally, the concerned agency drafts an implementing guideline for the guidance of the line forcefulness whol bequeath actually implement the law to avoid any po ssible mistaking of its implementation.The tax measure normally pull up stakess for sanctions and penalties for violators. lead story violations include tax evasion and tax avoidance. (Cuevas et al. 2012) Sound Taxation SystemA sound taxation system should nurture Fiscal Adequacy, Administrative Feasibility, Equity and concordant and compatible with the nations sparing direction. The level of taxes collect should be fit enough to stock certificate government operations and projects. A tax parade that is slight(prenominal) than able will cause pecuniary deficit that apprize stoke largeness. Taxation laws should be easy to understand that the brisk soulfulnessnel and former(a) administrative resources of the tax collecting office are sufficient and capable of implementing existing taxation laws. Taxation should be progressive and fair. For example, those individual some should pay higher tax rank, and those with low income should either be exempted from taxes or pay n egligible amounts of taxes. The governments tax collection efforts should be goive of the prudences short- and long-term plans. (Cuevas et al., 2012)EquityRecently, the frequent officials have been confronted with allegations of corruptions and in businesslike populist schemes. To advert a few, the PDAF scam, DAP scam, political grandstanding to bring down 2016 election potential rivals, the alleged overpricing of Makati metropolis parking push-down list and the 700 million Iloilo company center. These facts combined with unforgiving tax collection campaign has payoffed to negative sen quantifynts about the equitability of taxation in the country. The tax being impose by the government is too a great deal. They even loss to tax us my sari-sari store. The unstained payment of business requirements already hurts my store. I am working for my family not for the government. The government wants to take all our earnings. said by a sari-sari store owner in Del Pilar, Castillejos . My take base pay is cut into half because of the inferions and tax imposed to us. My egregious salary, to be secure is not enough, then they will deduct us (tax and contri unlessions) and you will find out from the media that our taxes were corrupted by a menage in the government said by a college instructor in Gor jade College.People Respond to IncentivesAn bonus is something that induces a person to act, such as the prospect of a punishment or a reward. Because rational people get up decisions by comparing be and benefits, they reply to incentives. Incentives are crucial to analyzing how market work. For example, when the bell of an apple rises, people dissolve to eat fewer apples. At the same, time, apple orchards decide to contract more than workers and harvest more apples. In other words, a higher price in a market provides and incentive to buyers to consume less and an incentive for sellers to produce more. (Mankiw, 2013)Public policymakers should never depart about incentives Many policies change the costs or benefits that people face and, therefore, veer their behaviour. A tax on gasoline, for instance, encourages people to drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars. (Mankiw, 2013)Fiscal DragFiscal shack happens when the governments net fiscal position ( outlay minus taxation) fails to cover the net savings desires of the hole-and-corner(a) economy, also called the reclusive economys spending gap (earnings minus spending and closed-door enthronization). The resulting fall in out of sum total demand leads to de savorlessionary pressure, or whiff, on the economy, essentially due to inadequacy of state spending or to bare(a) taxation. One cause of fiscal drag may be bracket creep, where progressive taxation increases impulsiveally as taxpayers strickle into higher tax brackets due to inflation. This tends to talk over inflation, and can be characterized as an automatic stabilizer to the economy. Fiscal drag can also be a res ult of a hawkish stance towards government finances. ( sustain creep describes the process by which inflation pushes nominal remuneration and salaries into higher tax brackets. Many progressive tax systems are not adjusted for inflation. As wages and salaries rise in nominal harm under the influence of inflation they become more highly taxed, even though in real terms the revalue of the wages and salaries has not increased at all. The net effect is that in real terms taxes rise unless the tax rates or brackets are adjusted to compensate. ( cause of Fiscal PolicyThe changes in tax rates, particularly marginal tax rates, affect aggregate supply through their bear upon on the relative attractiveness of arable activity in comparison to blank and tax avoidance. Supply side tax cuts are a long-term growth-oriented scheme that will finally increase twain SRAS and LRAS.Keynesian ModelKeynesian economical science was developed by the British economic expert John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an plan of attack to understand the Great Depression.Keynes advocated increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of tGrohe Depression. Subsequently, the term Keynesian economics was utilise to point to the concept that optimal economic effect could be achieved and economic slumps prevented by influencing aggregate demand through activist stabilisation and economic intervention policies by the government. Keynesian economics is considered to be a demand-side surmise that focuses on changes in the economy over the short run. ( ModelCrowding out is a kind of expansionary fiscal policy, reduces investment spending. The increased borrowing crowds out private investing. Originally, crowding out was related to an increase in interest rates from the borrowing, but that was broadened to multiple channels that might leave total ou tput little changed or smaller. (Blanchard, 2008)One channel of crowding out is a reduction in private investment that occurs because of an increase in government borrowing. If an increase in government spending and/or a decrease in tax revenues leads to a deficit that is financed by increased borrowing, then the borrowing can increase interest rates, leading to a reduction in private investment. thither is some controversy in innovative macroeconomics on the subject, as different schools of economic thought differ on how households and fiscal markets would react to more government borrowing under various circumstances. (Tyson, 2012)The Benefits ruleThe benefits regulation states that people should pay taxes ground on the benefits they receive from government services. This principle tries to make unexclusive corrects similar to private goods. It seems fair that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes. Similarly , a person who gets great benefit from a commonplace good should pay more for it than a person who gets little benefit. The benefits principle can also be used to cope that wealthy citizens should pay highertaxes than poorer ones scarcely because the wealthy benefit more from common services. For example, the benefits of law security from theft.Citizens with untold to protect benefit more from police than do those with less to protect. on that pointfore, harmonize to benefits principle, the wealthy should tot up more than the poor to the cost of maintaining the police force. The same argument can be used for many other punlic services, such as fire protection, national defense, and the act system. It is even possible to use the benefits principle to argue for antipoverty programs funded by taxes on the wealthy. (Mankiw, 2013)The Ability-to-Pay PrincipleThe ability-to-pay principle states that taxes should be levied on a person according to how well that person can shoulder the burden. This principle is sometimes justified by the claim that all citizens should make and equal sacrifice to support the government.1. What is tax?A B yan yung pahirap satin lahat. Ayaw ko nga magbayad nyan kasi hindi naman sa maganda mapupunta yang tax na yan. Sobra na nga yung paniningil ng gobyerno. Kahit sa sari-sari store gusto nilang kuhanan ng tax. Yung simpleng pambayad nga lang ng business permit ang hirap na eh. Gusto ata nila para sa kanila magtrabaho. C it is the life blood of the governmentD The funds extorted from productive people to fill the govt bank accounts. F Kaltas sa sahod. 336 na lang babawasan pa nilaG It is the capital collected by the government from its citizens2. What do you think is the target of taxation?A Para may pondo ang gobyerno pampagawa ng projectB pampagawa ng mga daan at sweldo ng mga emplyado sa gobyerno C It is used to fund different government projects. almost economists say that taxation reallocates wealth from the rich people to the poor because of the progressive taxation system that we have. D The purpose of tax is to fund public necessities, services and improvements needed by all citizens with no bias to their shape in society. F para sa mga projects ng gobyernoG For the general welfare and protection of the countrys citizens and for the development of the economy.3. For you what is genuine taxation?A wala ako ideaB dapat yung mayayaman mas malaki babayaran na tax kasi kaya nila magbayad di ba? Sila pa nga nandadaya pagdating sa bayaran ng tax tapos kaming mahihirap yung gigipitin ng BIR dyan sa pagbabayad ng tax. C Progressive taxation because this emblem of taxation uses the compensable capability of the taxpayer as a basis on how much he or she will be taxed. D Equitable tax will depend on how much good public services are and how much improvement to be done. F basta pantay-pantayG its when taxes are collected depending on the social class or income bracket.4. How much is your annual income?C My take home pay is cut into half because of the deductions and tax imposed to us. My gross salary, to be honest is not enough, then they will deduct us (tax and contributions) and you will find out from the media that our taxes were corrupted by a syndicate in the government5. How much do you pay for taxes annually?D 32% of my annual income. Which I would not want to disclose as per q4. Hehe 6. Do hire an accountant to deal with tax payments?A Nope. Bookkeeper lang.B HindiC NopeD No. My employer hires accountants to do our taxes F Hindi.7. What do you feel about our countrys economic outlook?A Sabi nila tumataas jackdaw economic growth ng pilipinas pero di ko masyadong ramdam.D Asean economic is on hack right now and will eventually peak after 15 or 20years if no war will occur. Philippine econ is outgrowth by single human body but the market per industry per capita is growing double digits faster than national econs totality. It is safe to say that now is the best time to invest in ph market.8. atomic number 18 you satisfied on how the government provide its services to the public? Why? A di masyado satisfied, wala pa ding nakikitang improvement. D Yes. There are many improvements on public services. The only problem is the public is not well aware of those improvements and how they can utilise it. G No, I think priorities are not being properly stipulate and attended to.9. For you what is the most efficient tax rate?A Dahil medyo nag hihirap pa ang pilipinas, ok na siguro ang tax rate ngayon, basta wag lang makurakot, pag konti konti umaangat yung economy dapat baba din yung tax rate. B 5 %C 20%D 9.3%E I dont give interviews this way. But Ill answer question 9. As other questions can be answered through entombment and books. The most efficient tax system is the flat tax. I propose a 10 % flat rate crosswise the board. This most fair and efficient of all. through with(p) in more than 43 countries and by the most succ essful ones. Please query on my interviews. Just google my name and flat tax. Youll find all you need for this issue. convey F 10%G less than 30%V. DiscussionMost of the respondents total that an equitable tax system should exact the taxpayers to contribute to the cost of public services based on ability to pay. Tax payments are indeed the lifeblood of the government, any government will not stand without financial support from its people. Taxes are also used to create societal order. It is used to protect its citizens. Taxes are used to pay for the salaries of the police and armies. A farmer will not institute his crops if he knows that it will be stolen in the morning, then economic productivity would be impossible. In our current system, the top tax bracket are those earning at least P500,000 or those earning at least P41,667. Those earning P41,667 per month pays the same taxes as to those earning P1,000,000. Everyone will fit that the situation is already inequitable. The tax bracket thereof should be adjusted according to the salaries of the taxpayers. All of the respondents does not directly uses accountingservices for the fact that it may be costly for the since they are in the nub class.Value for your bullion, the government must make their taxpayers feel that they get value from the money (tax) that they pay. A customer who felt that he/she did not get the value for his money will not return to that restaurant, store or any other business establishment. The same goes with taxpayers they will avoid stipendiary taxes if they feel that it will only be corrupted by public officials. The deliberation for the most efficient tax rate would be very difficult since it entails factors such as inflation, purchasing power, income, consistency with economic direction and a lot more, which are varying from a day-to-day or weekly basis. If the tax rate was garb too low, administrative feasibility would be impossible and if the tax rate was clothe t oo high it would be consficatory which is unconstitutional and will lead to tax evasion.VI. coatingA good taxation system should provide an appropriate level of revenue on a timely basis, dish out the cost of taxation fairly, promote economic growth and efficiency, be easily administered and find accountability. People will avoid paying taxes if they feel that the taxes imposed are confiscatory in nature and this in turn reduces the tax base. The inequity of the tax system negates the demand of the Constitution. The endless complains of the middle class towards the rigid tax collection drive of the BIR may be lessened if they feel that there equity, or the rich is paying more taxes than them. The middle class should not be burdened more than the higher class. The BIR collected 1.2 trillion for 2012 however the government calculate deficit still bloated from 197.8 billion in 2011 to P235 B.The Philippines, with the current taxation system, is always on budget deficit. And these year after year deficits includes huge amount of money thus resulting to higher public debt that the taxpayers also pay, with interest. It is time to change on how the government tax its people. operose the tax rate will not necessarily mean that it will lessen the budget of the government. Lowering tax will increase the tax base of the government and it will increase the notes flow in the economy, let the people decide where to put their money. Whichever way they use it, it will be productive to the economy since they are spending, when someone is spending some other one is profiting and through profits is where the government gets its taxes. Unlikeif taxes are corrupted and stored into mystifying bank accounts.VII. RecommendationThe recommends that more respondents be included in the study. The taxation system of the country needs a lot of reforms. The taxation system should be based on the taxpayers ability to pay and should not be confiscatory in nature. Lowering the tax ra te and increasing the tax bracket ceiling will ab initio lower tax collection but will increase it by the next year or two because the tax base will enlarge.BibliographyBooksAbola, Victor, Villegas, Bernardo, (2001). Economics An Introduction. Pasig City, Philippines inkwell Publishing Company, Inc. Cuevas, R.C., Paraiso O.C., Larano, L.C., (2011). Macroeconomics. Malabon City Mutya Publishing House, Inc. Mankiw G.N., (2013). Principles of Economics. Pasig City, Philippines Cengage teaching Asia Pte Ltd (Philippine Branch). McCaCandless, G.T. (1991). Macroeconomics theory. New Jersey Harper and Row. internetFiscal drag. (2014, April 16). Retrieved from October 10,2014. Fiscal Drag rendering Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2014.